Many people ask the question: What is the Paleo Diet? The Paleo Diet is pretty simple. It comes from the paleolithic era when cavemen were hunting and gathering their foods. This diet is also called the “Hunter-Gatherer Diet”, the “Caveman Diet” and the “Stone Age Diet”. Man from the paleolithic era would eat meats they hunted andContinue

Many people ask the question: What is the Paleo Diet? The Paleo Diet is pretty simple. It comes from the paleolithic era when cavemen were hunting and gathering their foods. This diet is also called the “Hunter-Gatherer Diet”, the “Caveman Diet” and the “Stone Age Diet”. Man from the paleolithic era would eat meats they hunted andContinue


Many people ask the question: What is the Paleo Diet? The Paleo Diet is pretty simple. It comes from the paleolithic era when cavemen were hunting and gathering their foods. This diet is also called the “Hunter-Gatherer Diet”, the “Caveman Diet” and the “Stone Age Diet”. Man from the paleolithic era would eat meats they hunted andContinue


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