Performing a full, unassisted pull-up is a challenging task for most people, because it involves moving the entirety of your own bodyweight up against gravity. It also takes incredible upper-body strength and trunk stability. Here are four exercises that should be a part of your routine if your goal is to complete this essential movement pattern without assistance.

Performing a full, unassisted pull-up is a challenging task for most people, because it involves moving the entirety of your own bodyweight up against gravity. It also takes incredible upper-body strength and trunk stability. Here are four exercises that should be a part of your routine if your goal is to complete this essential movement pattern without assistance.


Performing a full, unassisted pull-up is a challenging task for most people, because it involves moving the entirety of your own bodyweight up against gravity. It also takes incredible upper-body strength and trunk stability. Here are four exercises that should be a part of your routine if your goal is to complete this essential movement pattern without assistance.


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