Bluberry avacado detox smoothie 1 cup organic blueberries, frozen (packed with antioxidants, reduce belly fat, urinary tract health, vision preservation, brain health, reduce constipation, fight cancer) 1/2 cup mint leaves, lightly packed (complexion improvement, cancer prevention, digestion aid) 1 ripe avocado (cancer prevention, eye health, lower cholesterol, heart health, better nutrient absorption, vitamin E) 1 cup orange juice

Bluberry avacado detox smoothie 1 cup organic blueberries, frozen (packed with antioxidants, reduce belly fat, urinary tract health, vision preservation, brain health, reduce constipation, fight cancer) 1/2 cup mint leaves, lightly packed (complexion improvement, cancer prevention, digestion aid) 1 ripe avocado (cancer prevention, eye health, lower cholesterol, heart health, better nutrient absorption, vitamin E) 1 cup orange juice


Bluberry avacado detox smoothie 1 cup organic blueberries, frozen (packed with antioxidants, reduce belly fat, urinary tract health, vision preservation, brain health, reduce constipation, fight cancer) 1/2 cup mint leaves, lightly packed (complexion improvement, cancer prevention, digestion aid) 1 ripe avocado (cancer prevention, eye health, lower cholesterol, heart health, better nutrient absorption, vitamin E) 1 cup orange juice


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