For smokers it helps to clean out lung congestion, soothe throat irritation and calms the anxiety experienced with all types of smoking. For over indulgers it helps to suppress the appetite and if you turn to the alcohol to drown away your sorrows you are apt to just plain forget to drink. Addiction formula: lemon,…

For smokers it helps to clean out lung congestion, soothe throat irritation and calms the anxiety experienced with all types of smoking. For over indulgers it helps to suppress the appetite and if you turn to the alcohol to drown away your sorrows you are apt to just plain forget to drink. Addiction formula: lemon,…


For smokers it helps to clean out lung congestion, soothe throat irritation and calms the anxiety experienced with all types of smoking. For over indulgers it helps to suppress the appetite and if you turn to the alcohol to drown away your sorrows you are apt to just plain forget to drink. Addiction formula: lemon,…


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