Cayenne pepper is a fantastic medicinal and therapeutic spice that can provide pain relief from ailments such as migraines, nausea, sore throats, sinus infections, heartburn, hemorrhoids, stomachaches, toothaches, and nerve, joint and muscle pain. Cayenne is high in vitamin C & beta carotene making it an excellent remedy for colds, flu, bronchitis, and any viral conditions.

Cayenne pepper is a fantastic medicinal and therapeutic spice that can provide pain relief from ailments such as migraines, nausea, sore throats, sinus infections, heartburn, hemorrhoids, stomachaches, toothaches, and nerve, joint and muscle pain. Cayenne is high in vitamin C & beta carotene making it an excellent remedy for colds, flu, bronchitis, and any viral conditions.


Cayenne pepper is a fantastic medicinal and therapeutic spice that can provide pain relief from ailments such as migraines, nausea, sore throats, sinus infections, heartburn, hemorrhoids, stomachaches, toothaches, and nerve, joint and muscle pain. Cayenne is high in vitamin C & beta carotene making it an excellent remedy for colds, flu, bronchitis, and any viral conditions.


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