We cannot get our most restful sleep when we go to bed with pain in the low back or hips. The muscles of the hips, including the the abductors, adductors and psoas, are responsible for holding us up and moving us in the world. They can be compressed from sitting or overworked during a day full of activity. If you're having trouble falling or staying asleep, doing a few yoga poses can relieve some of that stress. MALASANA Before climbing into bed, stand with your feet slightly wider th...

We cannot get our most restful sleep when we go to bed with pain in the low back or hips. The muscles of the hips, including the the abductors, adductors and psoas, are responsible for holding us up and moving us in the world. They can be compressed from sitting or overworked during a day full of activity. If you're having trouble falling or staying asleep, doing a few yoga poses can relieve some of that stress. MALASANA Before climbing into bed, stand with your feet slightly wider th...


We cannot get our most restful sleep when we go to bed with pain in the low back or hips. The muscles of the hips, including the the abductors, adductors and psoas, are responsible for holding us up and moving us in the world. They can be compressed from sitting or overworked during a day full of activity. If you're having trouble falling or staying asleep, doing a few yoga poses can relieve some of that stress. MALASANA Before climbing into bed, stand with your feet slightly wider th...


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