Single-Leg Bridge: Sit on floor with knees bent, feet flat, and rest upper back and shoulders against a stability ball with arms slightly out to sides, fingertips lightly touching floor for balance. Keeping right foot flat on floor, lift left leg and bend left knee out to side, resting left ankle on right knee. Press hips up, rolling upper back on top of ball as you squeeze glutes and raise pelvis so it's level with shoulders and right knee. Hold for 1 count, then lower to complete 1 repetiti...

Single-Leg Bridge: Sit on floor with knees bent, feet flat, and rest upper back and shoulders against a stability ball with arms slightly out to sides, fingertips lightly touching floor for balance. Keeping right foot flat on floor, lift left leg and bend left knee out to side, resting left ankle on right knee. Press hips up, rolling upper back on top of ball as you squeeze glutes and raise pelvis so it's level with shoulders and right knee. Hold for 1 count, then lower to complete 1 repetiti...


Single-Leg Bridge: Sit on floor with knees bent, feet flat, and rest upper back and shoulders against a stability ball with arms slightly out to sides, fingertips lightly touching floor for balance. Keeping right foot flat on floor, lift left leg and bend left knee out to side, resting left ankle on right knee. Press hips up, rolling upper back on top of ball as you squeeze glutes and raise pelvis so it's level with shoulders and right knee. Hold for 1 count, then lower to complete 1 repetiti...


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